Knee Pain
Knee Pain Can Be Very Frustrating To Manage During Workouts, Sports, And Daily Life
Knee pain can be caused by several reasons including repetitive stress, poor biomechanics, trauma, and more.
Knee pain typically occurs at the joint line and the most common form of knee pain is due to injury of the meniscus or ligaments such as the ACL.
The knee joints main function is flexion and extension, however, has a little internal and external rotation.
Because the knee joint is meant to be a stable joint, the knee may bare the load the hip and ankle joints are not able to tolerate. This may lead to injury of the knee and is why a proper evaluation of biomechanics and movement is critical for determining the source of the knee pain.
Common Knee Injuries Treated:
Patellar Tendinitis (Jumper’s Knee)
IT Band Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)
How Chiropractic Care Helps:
Although chiropractors can adjust/manipulate the knee joint, most of the knee pain can be helped by programming a specific physical rehabilitation program to develop strength and endurance of the musculature supporting the knee. Myofascial release around the knee and surrounding structures is also highly beneficial to treating knee pain and allowing for greater range of motion.